Clay Aiken Montage Recalls 9-11

9-11-01 Tribute Montage by Yollie950
with songs by Clay Aiken

9-11: a Day of Remembrance

In memory of the senseless devastation and tragic loss of lives in America eight years ago today.

To the survivors of loved ones lost in the 9/11/01 terrorist invasion, know that America remembers. This country also pays tribute to the brave men and women whose heroic actions saved lives in New York, Pennsylvania, and Washington, DC.

"Grace of God" and "It's in Everyone of Us" by Clay Aiken are featured in the 9-11-01 Tribute Montage, which also can be viewed at YouTube.

Photo by the late Bill Biggart

Photographer Leaves 9-11 Legacy

Thank you to jmh123 for bringing the story of a professional photographer who died taking pictures when the second tower fell. In the aftermath, some of Bill Biggart's digital photos were recovered via his camera's memory card.

You can read the story here:
Bill Biggart's Final Exposures and view a slide show of his amazing photos from Seeing the Horror. The first is printed above.

God Bless America
From Remembrance Flag

I wasn't in the habit of turning on the TV that early; but, for some reason, I was watching the TODAY Show that fateful morning. I remember with horror and disbelief as I watched the terrorists' planes fly into the twin towers and the terrible aftermath we witnessed in real time the rest of that day.

Where were you on 9/11 eight years ago? Share your remembrances in the comments below. Here is a double clickable of the God Bless America grapic:

We will never forget September 11, 2001. God bless America!


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